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Converted Customers
At No Cost Upfront

Our sales and marketing mercenaries will persuade your ideal clients, and bring their credit cards to your doorstep.

Let’s face it

You want to Dominate your Market, BUT
You are Struggling to:

You keep finding, hiring & training sales
talent that always end up leaving the


You need more of the right customers to
enable your business to grow


You want to defeat your competitors,
conquer their market share, and claim a
bigger piece of the pie

We Are Here to Change That!

Here’s How:


We’ll learn about your business offers,
target buyer, and optimize your pitch
for conversion


We’ll find & evaluate the best
marketing channels your business can
effortlessly thrive in


We’ll provide, lead, and maintain an
elite force of salespeople that will hunt
your ideal clients on a daily basis


We’ll create clear and repeatable
processes for client acquisition and
exponential business growth


You now have the world in the palm of
your hand

Ready To Take Over The World?

Learn How

Onboarding Process


1-on-1 call with our
business growth experts


assessment of all revenue


A to Z creation of your
revenue treasure map


release of our client
acquisition hounds


We bring money to your

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge?

We only get paid when you do! We use a fair calculator that will take into consideration the value of your product, profit margins, and costs, ensuring you keep the majority of the pot. Based on the results, we will provide a win-win commission percentage for each client we bring to you!

How can you scale my business?

We have a horde of trained sales professionals that work for us full-time, allowing you to utilize their full potential on a daily basis and on a bigger scale. We bring more agents than you will ever need to satisfy your business ambitions and goals. During our collaboration, we will optimize your business promotion, polish your offer and create smart SOPs along with massive-scale operations.

How many clients can you get each month?

This widely depends on your industry, online presence, and dominance in the market. Bold claims, guarantees for a number of clients, and steep upfront fees are the #1 red flags for you to watch for from our competitors. A lot of them can generate leads but won’t bring you a converted sale. That’s what sets us apart!

Why should I outsource instead of doing this in-house?

It is very simple – for what you would be paying for a single salesperson, we are doing with an entire team of dedicated experts. When you hire employees, you have to deal with HR laws, performance improvement plans, and turnover issues that can affect your company culture, trigger potential lawsuits, etc. Working with us, you don’t have to worry about any of these.

How do you ensure the quality of your agents?

We have a strict quality control process that measures the progress and results of each agent on a daily basis. Our company culture generously compensates top performers and trains others’ ambitions to become one.

Ready To Take Over The World?

Learn How